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Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Lund, Skåne, Sweden


As you walk through "old town" Lund, coming up from Market Square, this is the first glimpse you get of this almost perfectly preserved Romanesque Cathedral. lund101.jpg (22142 bytes)
Here is a photo showing more clearly the apse end of the Cathedral.  There are small open space "parks" around two sides of this Cathedral.  lund102.jpg (25829 bytes)
Detail of an archetypic Romanesque doorway in a trancept of the Cathedra. lund103.jpg (26943 bytes)
Side view of the Cathedral from University Park. lund104.jpg (21848 bytes)

This is the trancept at Lund Cathedral, taken from the University Park in Lund. 

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This is an older photo, borrowed with permission from the Swedish Government site on Lund/Skåne, showing the Apse end of the Cathedral.

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View of a "main" doorway located on 
the south side of the Cathedral.

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Detail of the archivult atop the 
door immediately above.

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View of a window opening in the south aisle from inside the Cathedral at about 5 p.m.  This is the low level of natural light within this Romanesque beauty. lund04.jpg (20090 bytes)
View of Trancept windows. lund05.jpg (19291 bytes)
Looking down the nave toward the rear of the church from the very highly elevated choir and main altar level.   Tour guides in this Cathedral (open from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) are very helpful, always eager to practice their english, excited to entertain Premonstratensian tourists, and very informed about the early history of the Cathedral.  Most are history or cultural majors from the University of Lund.  lund07.jpg (22928 bytes)
View of the Reredos behind the main altar (crucifix in foreground rests atop the main altar).  lund08.jpg (24735 bytes)
View of a side altar.   Note the seven-branched candlestick in the foreground. lund09.jpg (21472 bytes)
View of north side of Cathedral. lund10.jpg (21433 bytes)
Frontal / Fascade view. lund11.jpg (21967 bytes)
Vertical view of the Fascade. lund14.jpg (23186 bytes)
Detail of arches atop a tower of the Cathedral.  lund12.jpg (24591 bytes)
Bronze front doorway showing various scenes from both Old and New Testament (19th century, newer version of medieval wooden doors in same style). 

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