1. Let God be loved above all things, dearest brethren, and then our neighbor, because these are the principal commands given to us.

1. Ante omnia, fratres carissimi, diligatur Deus, deinde proximus, quia ista sunt praecepta principaliter nobis data.

2. This is how we ought to pray or say the psalms. In the morning three psalms should be said: the sixty-second, the fifth, and the eighty-ninth; at Tierce, let a psalm be said with a responsory, then two antiphons, a lesson, and a concluding prayer; in like manner at Sext and None; at evening, moreover, one responsory psalm, four antiphons, again one responsory psalm, a lesson, and a concluding prayer. And at a convenient time after the evening exercise, all being seated, the lessons may be read; moreover, after this let the customary psalms be recited before retiring. Night prayers, for the months of November, December, January, February, twelve antiphons, six psalms, three lessons; for March, April, September, October, ten antiphons, five psalms, three lessons; for May, June, July, August, eight antiphons, four psalms, two lessons.

2. Qualiter autem nos oportet orare vel psallere describimus; id est in matutinis dicantur psalmi tres: sexagesimus secundus, quintus et octogesimus nonus; ad tertiam prius psalmus ad respondendum dicatur, deinde antiphonae duae, lectio et completorium; simili modo sexta et nona; ad lucernarium autem psalmus responsorius unus, antiphonae quattuor, item psalmus unus responsorius, lectio et completorium. Et tempore opportuno post lucernarium, omnibus sedentibus, legantur lectiones; post haec autem consuetudinarii psalmi ante sonnium dicantur. Nocturnae autem orationes, mensae novembri, decembri, januario et februario, antiphonae duodecim, psalmi sex, loctiones tres; martio, aprili, septembri et octobri, antiphonae decem, psalmi quinque, lectiones tres; maio, junio, julio et augusto antiphonae octo, psalmi quattuor, lectiones duae.

3. Let them (the brethren) work from morning to the hour of Sext; and from Sext to the hour of None they may be free for reading; and at None they may return books; and after they have eaten, they may work again in the garden, or wherever it will be necessary, until evening.

3. Operentur a mane usque ad sextam, et a sexta usque ad nonam vacent lectioni, et ad nonam reddant codices, et, postquam refecerint, sive in horto, sive ubicumque necesse fuerit, faciant opus usque ad horam lucernarii.

4. Let no one do anything for himself alone, whether for clothing or anything else; for we desire to live the apostolic life.

4. Nemo sibi aliquid suam vindicet proprium, sive in vestimento, sive in quacumque re; apostolicam enim vita optamus vivere.

5. Let no one do anything with murmuring, lest he perish by a judgment like that for murmurers.

5. Nemo cum murmurio aliquid faciat, ut non simili judicio murmuratorum pereat.

6. Let them obey with fidelity, honor their father after God, and respect their superior as becomes the holy.

6. Fideliter obediant, patrem suum post Deum honorent, praeposito suo deferant sicut decet sanctos.

7. Seated at the table let them be silent to listen to the reading. if, moreover, any need shall arise, their superior shall see to it. On Saturday and Sunday, as is the custom, those who wish may have wine.

7. Sedentes ad mensam taceant audientes lectionem. Si autem aliquid opus fuerit, praepositus eorum sit sollicitus. Sabbato et dominica, sicut consuetudo est, qui volunt, vinum accipiant.

8. If any need to go out of the monastery for any purpose, let two go. No one may eat or drink out of the monastery without permission, for this is not in accord with monastic discipline. If the brethren are commissioned to sell any of the goods of the monastery, let them be careful to do nothing contrary to the law, knowing that they may offend God in His servants; if they are buying something for the monastery, let them discharge the business carefully and faithfully as servants of God.

8. Si opus fuerit ad aliquarn necessitatern monasterii mitti, duo eant. Nemo extra monasterium sine praecepto manducet neque bibat, non enim hoc ad disciplinam pertinet monasterii. Si opera monasterii mittantur fratres vendere sollicite servent ne quid faciant contra praeceptum, scientes quoniam Deurn exacerbant in servis ipsius; sive aliquid, emunt ad necessitatern monasterii, sollicite et fideliter, ut servi Dei, agant.

9. Let there be no idle word among them; let them be about their own work from the morning; similarly after the prayers of Tierce let them go to their own work; they should not stand about talking, unless perchance it may be for the good of the spirit. Let them sit in silence at their duties, unless perchance the necessity of the work require that something be said.

9. Otiosum verbum apud illos non sit, a mane ad opera sua sedeant, post orationes tertiae eant similiter ad opera sua; non stantes fabulas contexant, nisi forte aliquid sit pro animae utilitate. Sedentes ad opera taceant, nisi forte necessitas operis exegerit ut loquatur quis.

10. If anyone shall not have tried to fulfill these things in all virtue, with the help of God, and shall have disregarded them with a stubborn spirit, and if, having been admonished once and again, he shall not amend, let him know that he must subject himself as is proper to monastic discipline. Moreover, if his age admits of it, he may be punished.

10. Si quis autem non omni virtute, adjuvante miseri cordia Domini, haec conatus fuerit implere, contumaci vero animo despexerit, semel atque iterurn commonitus, si non emendaverit, sciat se subjicere disciplinae monasterii sicut oportet. Si autem talis fuerit aetas ipsius, etiam vapulet.

Observing these things faithfully and piously in the name of Christ, you will profit, and our joy will be great in your salvation. Amen.

Haec autem in nomine Christi fideliter et pie observantes et vos proficietis et nobis nft Parva erit laetitia de vestra salute. Amen.

These are the things which we command you who are assembled in the monastery to observe.

Haec eunt quae ut observetis praecipimus in monasterio constituti.

A complete discussion of both the Disciplina and Commentary can be viewed at:

Part II  Commentary


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